Two choices, the sweetest of them is bitter

How or why things are the way they, is a question we constantly ask ourselves and
others. It is definitely unclear all the time. We have to get our ignorance out
of the way in order to understand what is going on, before we move to the next
stage; knowing why is this going on.
All of the
good things come at a price; usually expensive. This is because failure is the
default. We do not have to put it effort to fail, life will happily do it for
us. As simple as this principle may seem, not many people seem to realise it;
especially the young (including myself). And it is a struggle for us.
I have
heard once that we live in an age where we can put off the responsibility until
later in life. It is instant gratification. It is way easier and we love an
easy pleasure. But it is painful on the long run. So, we are faced with two
options; there is no third one. Either we accept all the burdens associated
with our being, or we let go of the responsibility and let the waves of
pleasure throw us from one place to the other. Two choices, the sweetest of them
is bitter.
What is the
sweetest one and why is it bitter? Glad you asked. The sweetest one in my
opinion is to claim full responsibility for our actions and realise that the
future will not hold anything good whatsoever unless we want it to. And by
want I do not mean a whim or a wish; I mean actually want it and do everything
possible to make it happen. Because the other option is nothing but guilty
pleasure at the moment and pointless suffering in the future.
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