People and Night Sky
On a summer evening, I was thinking. Thinking of something that
happened to me. When I discovered that no one is really how they look at first.
I am not talking about first impressions. I am talking about people that we may
know for a while, or at least we think that we know them. We go through things.
We get to see how they act and react and based on that we start drawing some
conclusions about how does it look like inside that person's head. But what if
after everything we went through with that person, it turned out that they are
not as we thought they are? How would that affect us?
When we look at the nigh sky; we see stars. Millions and even
billions of them, or so we think. All we see is luminous dots filling up our
sky and filling our hearts with unexplained hope. However, if we were to look
closer. Closer than ever before. We see that the sky is not as we imagined it
to be. Each of these dots that looked almost the same from far away, is not
just a sparkling dot. What we see as a dot might be a galaxy, a cluster of
thousands of galaxies, a solar system similar to ours, a star, a planet or it
can be a lot of things. It depends on how deep we look and how advanced is the
lens that we are looking through.
So are humans. The deeper you look into them, the more complicated
they become. You can never tell who someone is from far away. You have to get
The problem though is that it is sometimes painful to get closer
especially if you are someone who finds extremely difficult to open up to
anyone in this world. Or if you are someone who might get attached fairly
quickly, it will be excruciating to leave that person if you got attached to
him/her. So, how can you possibly
open up? Isn't it just irrational to do so?!
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